>> こんにちわ!my name is himanshu! i am an undergrad who loves to build stuff!
>> currently, i am working as a machine learning engineer (intern arc) at a startup along with working on some LLM research with some independent researchers
>> i love deep learning, LLMs and am always looking to build cool projects on these, so ping me up on any of the below if you would like to collaborate on something!
>> i am currently working on the following topics :
// LLMs and RAG systems in production
// Named entity recognition systems
// Rust for LLMOps as well as building a mat mul engine in it
// no longer available for working on projects as i am currently working on a research project with/under the guidance of clément and alexandre variengien
// also teaching ML and math!
>> interested in the following :
// a research assistant/intern position at a lab in NLP (u can take a look at my cv)
// a full time research scientist/data scientist/MLE role (preferably remote)
// any cool projects you want to collaborate on or need help/guidance